Terri Szlovicsak
As the manager, Terri overseas the daily operations of the program, which includes maintaining close contact with teachers and school staff, to ensure a close working relationship that supports students success in all areas of their experience here in Mission, as well as fostering ongoing relationships with educational partners all over the world. Terri has worked in the Mission Public School district since 2005, as an Educational Assistant and Homestay Coordinator, and has a bachelor’s degree in social work, with a child welfare specialization. As a Homestay Coordinator for the past 15 years, Terri recognizes the importance that the high quality of care for our students is maintained as the number one priority of our International Program. Her passion and dedication to our students is often recognized as a strong point of our program by our educational partners.

Angela Csaszar
Angela has lived in Mission for most of her life, and her own children went through the Mission Public School System. Angela has experience being a host parent to international students and she joined the MPSD International Team in 2023. Angela’s experience has provided her with the insight to navigate the adventures of the International Homestay program. As the Homestay Coordinator, Angela manages day-to-day issues facing students, and homestay parents. She is available to students and homestays 24/7. Angela matches students to homestay families and manages student moves. She is a compassionate listener who is always willing to provide a helping hand no matter the challenge. Angela can be found assisting students with their snow gear at the Ski lift, sitting with a student in Emergency waiting for medical care, or picking up a student because they missed the school bus. She is a hands-on caring professional looking for ways to ensure the student’s experience is happy, and safe.

Kim Hunter
Kim has worked in the Mission Public School District since 2013 and joined our team in July 2016. Kim has enthusiastically jumped in to provide Homestay administrative support and much more! As the Homestay Assistant, Kim wears many hats, and does it with competency and passion. We are very fortunate to have Kim on our team. She does not think twice about going the extra mile for our students, anytime. From comforting an upset student, emergency moves, driving students home or planning events, Kim does it all with compassion and kindness. She generously helps us, to continue providing the unsurpassed personal care our program is known for. Always kind, caring and organized, Kim is a valued support to staff, students, agents and host families.

Shona Wallace
Shona has been with the Mission Public School District since 2020
and eagerly joined the International Department in 2023 as the
Administrative Assistant. Shona works closely with agents and
parents from all over the world in preparation of student’s arrival.
She is passionate about making everyone’s experience with the
department enjoyable while leaving a positive lasting impression.
Shona is capable of balancing the many tasks and communication
while maintaining an efficient organized environment. Shona is
willing to tackle any task required to support our team, families and
students and will complete it sufficiently, sprinkled with a little bit of